Hello!! It's been too long! I'm wondering how you're all doing?
If 2023 is off to a bumpy start for you, please hang in there. In January, I wrote about this year, 2023, being a year 7 in numerology and this year being an opportunity to root into the foundation of who we truly are - our true authentic, loving, fearless self. A year of becoming whole - accepting all parts of self.
I may have left out that although this is a year of new foundations, I left out the part about the healing process that comes with these changes. So, if you're weepy, freaking out about life, wondering where you fit in, what to do with your life altogether, please know that these feelings are part of this process of healing.
We have two pivotal astrological events this month.The planet Saturn moved into Pisces on March 7 and Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23. These planetary shifts ABSOLUTELY affect us. They are causing a bit of a restructuring within us and in our world. The blessing is that we get to heal. We get to discover what's truly important. We get to start over if we want and do things differently. Even if we're thrown into the fire, we will come out like the Phoenix. We are meant to learn about our greatness, our enoughness. We are enough. Even when things are falling apart, even when we don't have what we want, we are enough. The illusion in our world has often been that we have to be something, have material possessions, be more powerful, successful to be enough. That is not the truth of who we are. If we lived in a community or dynamic that was more supportive we would see our contribution and the beauty of who we are. We would feel enough. This time right now offers us the opportunity to examine our lives and why we sometimes don't feel enough. We may need to change the lens in which we our viewing ourselves and our lives.
When you are feeling doubt, disconnected and simply not enough, see if you can work with your heart and mind to assure yourself of your greatness. Remind yourself that there is a well of wisdom and knowledge within you. There is love within you...limitless love. Don't let fear and pain cloud the vision of who you are. If you feel stuck, lack support or community, or need healing, now is the time to seek out helpful resources. Baby steps. If you have the capacity to give, now is also the time to mentor and assist others that need the help. We cannot thrive in this world without each other. Let's focus on remembering our greatness, even in times when we feel small in this big world.
All my love,