Welcome September. Welcome!
I invite you to join a revolution this month. Yeah, that’s right, we’re starting a revolution (and a resurrection. ha!). What’s our cause? Well, that’s up to you, but I say we start something. Stir it up, shake things up a bit.
For too long lately, have held myself back. Now, the people close to me may not agree — as I typically go full force with most things in my life (ha!). But, over that last few months, I don’t know what happened. I went off the rails a bit. I guess you could say that Little Miss Optimistic (me) was feeling a bit deflated. One thing after the other came up and I wondered if things were every going to get easier (of course they, do but you know what it’s like when you’re in it. Umm hmm).
Through the struggles, I lost parts of myself I no longer needed and sought to find the parts I wanted to keep. I developed more self-love and acceptance and most importantly, I learned PATIENCE.
As a “manifestor” I have to say that I’m used to things working out. I wondered if the Universe was teaching me a lesson, testing how much I wanted certain things in my life. Patience is a virtue. I’m now learning what that means, and I have to say, it’s not so bad. Some things are worth the wait and effort.
So, as I reflected on this lesson, I thought to myself: You know, I’m going to be patient in certain areas and just totally let go, not put too much effort into manifesting. BUT, with the things I can take action on, I’m going to go GANGBUSTERS!! FULL THROTTLE! I’m hoping you all do the same! For some things in life, you have to take action. You have to have a plan, work hard, focus and intent what you want. Actions pay off, too. It’s a matter of balance. Manifest, work hard, be patient and let go. Sounds so easy, right?
We can be whomever we want. We can learn, gather information, inspire others. Our minds are our greatest tools. I’m starting a anti-self limiting behaviors revolution. If I see any of you on the streets or in your homes sabotaging or limiting yourself, I’m gonna…I’m gonna…well, I won’t hurt you, but we’re gonna have a talk. Ha ha.
This month, let’s start a revolution. Let’s spread our pixie dust everywhere and have a big LIFE party. I’m ready. Are you?
How about a little music to help with this project. What do you think?
Holy Roller – Thao & the Get Down Stay Down
Have you viewed our new website, yet? I hope you like it. I did it all for you. Take a look when you have time. Let me know your thoughts and if there is anything we can do for you. www.lifearoma.staging.wpengine.com
I’ve selected a product for the month to help with our cause. How about a little of our fragrance called Boussole (Compass) to help us navigate these changes? Every month I will off a discount off the product of the month. So, if you purchase this fragrance, you’ll receive 15% off. Woo hoo!
For the seeker that is looking for clarity, direction and purpose. This fragrance is made up of of a combination of clary sage, patchouli, benzoin and other balancing oils. “When one opens their energy to the unknown, life opens up to them.” ck
Allow Boussole to assist you on the journey.
I hope you all have a transformative, revolutionary month. I’m back on the train now and have my Compass in hand….let’s see where I land. Let’s see where we all land next month. Sound goooood?
I’m sending all my love, always.