“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” Buddha
The other evening I went to an art charity auction supporting the Boys & Girls Club. Nick Cannon was the DJ and the place was filled with a mix of artists and observers. I went with two great friends, who like me, don’t take things too seriously and fully took advantage of genuinely absorbing the art and environment. So, while Nick struggled to initially get the “hip” crowd dancing, my friends and I didn’t hesitate to get moving as soon as the music started. I’m a lover of old school rap. Biggie being one of my favs. So, if you can for a moment envision this girl dropping her body to every beat like a collapsible dolls, well, yeah, that was me. Everywhere I go, if I hear good music, it is my natural instinct to start moving. I literally have no control. And, I never like to be “cool” – it feels too contrived and artificial. So, when the same thing happened the night before at an art event when only two young boys were in the dance circle surrounded by hipsters…you know what I did. Right? I politely put my jacket on a hook, along with my elegant purse and got down with the kids. Ha! Why the hell not? I’ve digressed….
My point is. The night of the auction, I came across a magnificent painting. It took my breath away. Rather than just observe it, I had to be with it. Stand next to it and embody the energy I felt (I’ve attached it below). It’s a feeling that overtakes me — the desire to be with things that move me deeply. For me, when it comes to music, art and nature, I need to be enveloped by it all — they are my lifeline (so is love!…oh, and AIR. haha).
Seeing this painting was significant for me. Hawks and birds of prey have always been quite symbolic at turning points in my life. Any time I have questioned if I was on the right track or at a cross roads, I have spotted a hawk. Before I moved to California, I saw one and it confirmed for me that I needed to trust my instincts with the move. The day of the move, I saw one. When I recently questioned moving back home or elsewhere, I saw one. When I questioned if my business would grow to the degree I want it to grow for fulfillment…I saw one. And in the last month, I have seen them four times, all in moments when I needed to see them the most.
We must be true to ourselves and honor the signs that our sent our way. We must honor our intuition or at the very least get in contact with the deeper more authentic, spiritual part of ourselves that speaks to us. When we are open to it, I feel as though the Universe sends us signs to build our confidence, because I know personally, at times it feels like we are in our own world when it comes to our dreams and inner knowing.
If you are interested in animal symbolism, a great book to start with is Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. If you are interested: hawks & birds of prey represent the spirit world and the unseen. They encourage us to see clearly, have strong visions and use our intuition to support our goals and communication with others.
When we put away our ego and follow our inner knowing, beautiful things happen. When we are challenged, look for the signs, for they are there.
For the next 30 days I ask that you commit to going deeper into your “self” and get in tune with your spiritual, intuitive side. Let the ego go for a while, and align with your truth. Put away the self-doubt, criticism and judgments from others and allow yourself to connect with something bigger, kinder and more powerful…your spirit.
Oh, and if you’re at an event and their playing great music and no one is dancing…I hope you step forward, get your freak on and lead the way.
Here’s some music to get you started:
And of course, some “Life” tools to help you get “in-tune” & funky!
Life Chakra Galaxy Leggings, White Gypsy Parfum, Light Chakra Spray & Love Manifestation Beads. Awe…I see you levitating, already.
Have an auspicious 30 days!!
Much love,