Happy November! I love this month. There is so much to be grateful for and Thanksgiving gives us the perfect reminder to stay in the space of gratitude and grace.
October held a whirlwind of energy. Hurricane Sandy caused heart wrenching destruction to the Eastern Coast. Many people lost everything. The simple things that most of us are accustom to having like power and water, were a frustrating consequence on top of a horrible disaster. My heart goes out to everyone affected. If you would like to support those in need (if you haven’t already) you can donate to: www.redcross.org
In addition to this awful situation, I noticed upheavals in the lives of a number of clients and friends that I work with. I feel the full moon in Scorpio last month revealed all that was hidden and catapulted truth to the surface. That’s the thing with awareness and truth. We don’t always want to see and hear it, but when it comes to surface it’s for a purpose and it’s ultimately meant to elevate us to a better place. Dealing with it all, isn’t always fun. UPHEAVAL & TRUTH. That’s what the Full Moon brought.
The Scorpio full moon had an effect on the Election, as well. During the debates, a lot of language was thrown around that couldn’t be substantiated. Sometimes the lies were blatant, others were sugar coated and harder to decipher unless you did your homework. My loyalty and confidence in our current President wasn’t deterred, but it was interesting to see some candidates and supporters go to ridiculous lengths to hide the truth and to justify their case. BUT, the truth always prevails and people that are willing to grow and evolve will naturally gravitate to those that emit a feeling of authenticity and trust.I feel the next 4 years will elevate us all and allow for fairness and support in ways that we haven’t seen in decades. No one is perfect, but I have confidence in our President. I’m predicting some major progress and abundance in the next coming years.

Working my magic
To quote Gerald Jampolsky, M.D. ” Everyone has his unique way of stating the Truth as he sees it, and that uniqueness is important, because there will be only certain people you and I will touch in this lifetime, and for those encounters, honesty will be the container of all the gifts we will give and receive.”
How I imagine D was like in her 20’s.
This brings me to my new hero, my neighbor D. I’m grateful that when I moved to California a couple (and a half!) years back that I attracted such a wonderful and supportive neighbor. She’s a Santa Monica local for 30 sum years. She’s left, aware and involved. During the election I saw bumper stickers on her car, pins on her beret and signs in our yard all advocating “YES on 37″ (Labeling food products that contain GMO’s).
I caught her one day coming in from the day. When I asked her how her day was and what she had been up to she said that she had been standing on the corner with a sign advocating “YES on 37.” She stood, on a highly traveled intersection, holding a sign just to get a message out. I was in awe. Now, some would say she is absolutely nuts, but I loved every second of her passion and earnestness. My heart expanded with delight when I heard her recall her day and how she stood on the corner, waving her sign to get a message out to anyone she encountered. That day she became my hero.
D, like a lot of us, has had a rough couple years. What I’ve noticed in her journey and healing through it all is how she constantly picks herself up and moves through it. I notice how she takes care of herself and even when she’s not her own advocate, she’s a voice for others. She inspires me. She’s always going to an art opening, a meditation, listening to informed radio, sharing interesting articles/events, taking a yoga class, painting, chanting, exploring a new restaurant…she is a brilliant woman, humble and real and is not afraid to be vulnerable or admit her flaws. Thank you D for all that you do.We could all learn a thing or two from you.
NOW, I have to say this message could go on forever because there are endless people in my life that inspire me and whom are amazing people that I am incredibly grateful for. The list is so long that I hope that in acknowledging that there really isn’t one person in my life that I don’t feel this way about, makes it simpler to communicate. I wanted to write about D because she is someone that I feel isn’t always aware of her gifts. I want her and you all to know that even the smallest things you do for yourself, others and the world get noticed. I wanted to let you all know that I notice. I am grateful for each and every one of you!
D – keep rocking on. Wave that sign for the entire world to see. I’m inspired to do the same. It’s good to be humble, but it’s also good to fight for what you believe in, especially when it comes to being your own advocate.
Let’s all give “thanks” this Thanksgiving and always. Be grateful for all the changes in your life. They are elevating you to new, authentic and empowered energy. Be prepared for the New Year. The year 2013 might start a little rocky as the Universe finds equilibrium after frenzied year, but by February/March we should all be feeling better, balanced and more empowered and energized. Some of you air signs better hold on for January. I have a feeling it’s going to be a very active month for you.
To keep us in the space of Gratitude, I’d like to suggest a couple artists that I am wholeheartedly grateful exist:
These three artists always seem to evoke something deep in me. I wanted to share some of my favorite songs with all of you. I hope they evoke something in you.
And I cannot forget about my products & readings! I am grateful every day that I am able to do what I love. So, to honor all of you, I’m giving 15% off my readings and any product purchases through the end of November. To schedule a reading, you can go to my website: www.fairygirlbliss.com or email me at: carrie@fairygirlbliss.com – you can also find me on Facebook & Twitter under: Carrie A. Keller or Life Aromatherapy.
Here is my list of my favorite Life Aromatherapy products. I use these particular products on a daily basis:
Healing Oil (Miracle product. Prevents wrinkles. Great for problematic, dry and sensitive skin types.)
Rejuvenating Moisturizer (Gorgeous smell. Hydrating & good for all skin types.)
Soothing Eye Cream (Super hydrating. Great for puffiness.)
Uplifting Facial & Body Spray (Gives my skin a nice glow. I use this as light pomade, too! Smells divine!)
Nid Parfum – (Woodsy, sensual scent. Can’t go a day without it!)
That is it, my angels. I’m wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving and joy-filled days in between. I am grateful for all of you!
Much love!